Christ Ambassadors Prayer Prophetic Line

The Christ Ambassadors Prayer Prophetic Line

Ephesians 6:12 “For our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the world powers of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens.”

We are fighting a spiritual war with an enemy whose primary tactic is deception. This enemy can be defeated through the spiritual resources God provides, and these resources are activated and empowered through prayer.  It has been said that when we refuse to pray, it is like having a refrigerator without plugging it in.

God’s word teaches us to pray without ceasing because spiritual warfare is a reality of the Christian life.

Without prayer we are ineffective in spiritual warfare. But with prayer, we will surely be victorious.

Join Prophet Jacob Nana Essandoh daily, on Christ Ambassadors Prayer Prophetic line where Divinity Meets Humanity, as we engage in aggressive spiritual warfare, prophetic ministration and  deliverance.

Phone number (605) 313-5144

Access code 462698#

Alternate number (716) 293-9705 (same access code)

The Prayerline can also be accessed by using the following link

Enter your name and use the above mentioned phone number and access code.

Monday (Prayer Breakfast) at 5am (EST)

Tuesday (Emergency Hour) at 6pm – 7pm (EST)

Wednesday and Friday (Prophetic Hour) at 9pm (EST)

Thursday (Jericho Hour) 11:45pm – 1am (EST)

Saturday (Declaration Hour) at 9pm (EST)

Sunday at 9am – 1:30pm (EST) Gloryland Evangelistic Ministries Prophetic Sunday Service



Any questions, please call (904) 333-0819

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